Naturo Pharm Colsor Spray
Colsor helps support the body's immune response and defenses for the lips, mouth and face breakouts. Supports the body's natural healing and recovery processes.
Acute: Use 2 sprays per dose orally at 15 minute intervals for up to 6 doses, then 3 times a day as required.
Chronic: Use 2 sprays orally 3 times a day as required.
Both the external cream and the oral spray should be used at the first sign of a cold sore, usually the tingling sensation.
Colsor contains homoeopathic potencies of Antimonium Crudum, Arsenicum Album, Bovista, Croton Tiglium, Graphites and Rhus Tox.
Inactive ingredients: Purified water, 11% alcohol
Avoid foods that are high in arginine such as peanuts.
For repeated outbreaks supplement with L-lysine and Zinc.
Reduce frequency if symptoms improve and stop use if symptoms are alleviated. Equally if symptoms persist or worsen, stop taking the remedy and consult your healthcare professional.